Your Place for Fun, Rigorous, TEKS-Aligned Resources for Upper Elementary

2nd Grade
Watson Works Phonics & Spelling 2nd Grade
reinforces the syllable patterns and word structures taught in 1st grade, and builds on those skills so that by the end of 2nd grade, students will:
• Continue to decode and blend sounds to
read and spell words with the 6 syllable
types, including multisyllabic words
• Continue to improve word structure
identification in order to learn more
complex words
• Apply correct punctuation and
capitalization to words and sentences
• Increase knowledge of vocabulary
strategies, such as: alphabetical order,
multiple-meaning words, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, compound
words, and base words & affixes
• Build knowledge of grammar skills, including: subjects & predicates, types
of sentences, parts of speech, quotes,
compound sentences, comma usage,
and contractions
• Continue to improve handwriting using
the D’Nealian style
• Read and spell 150 high frequency words
2nd Grade Kit
Teacher Manual
• Hard copy – 1 volume, coil-bound
• Digital copy – PDF file on CD
Classroom Materials
• Alphabet Wall Strip
• Large Phonics Wall Cards
• Small Phonics Cards
• Spelling & High Frequency Word Cards
• Classroom Posters (6): Keywords, Vowel Sounds,
Letter Clusters, Coding Symbols, High Frequency Words,
Student Materials
• Reproducible Student Workbook
- Hard copy – 2 volumes, coil-bound
- Digital copy – PDF file on CD
• Laminated Alphabet Handwriting Desk Strips
• Reproducible Phonics Cards (with QR codes that link to pronunciations) to be used for individual practice or
cooperative learning activities
• Reproducible Spelling & High Frequency Word Cards
(with QR codes that link to pronunciations) to be used for
individual practice or cooperative learning activities

Product Descriptions
Teacher's Manual
Includes a hard copy (coil-bound) and digital PDF copy on CD; provides easy-to-follow instructions for each daily lesson and weekly assessment.

Large Phonics Cards
Cards present keyword pictures and letters for phonemes introduced in each level.

High Frequency Word Cards
Flashcards to review spelling and high frequency/sight words for each level. Used for drilling words, individual practice, and cooperative learning activities.

Alphabet Wall Strip
Shows keyword pictures for Aa-Zz to hang in the classroom for easy reference.
Student Workbook
Reproducible workbook includes daily lessons, weekly homework, weekly assessments, phonics cards, and spelling & high frequency word cards.

Small Phonics Cards
Cards present keyword pictures and letters for phonemes introduced in each level. Used for drilling sounds, individual practice, and cooperative learning activities.

Classroom Posters (6)
Posters offer reference for keyword pictures, vowel sounds, high frequency words, and other concepts taught in each level.

Alphabet Handwriting Desk Strip
Laminated Aa-Zz desk strip contains upper- and lower-case letters in D’Nealian handwriting, keyword pictures, left/right hands, and space for students’ names (25 strips in pack).